Tulips Care How To Grow
Tulips – How To Grow And Take Care Of Tulip Bulbs
Tulips are exotic and attractive looking, flowering plants that come in brightly coloured blossoms, in a dazzling wide range of colours. These bulbs can normally grow in your backyards without the slightest problems. They give an opportunity for an added attraction and richness to any garden. Tulips can be used as garden borders or grown with the latest smart ground cover or softened with a light covering of snow in summer. With the right care and maintenance, you can grow these attractive looking Tulips year after year in your garden. It is very easy to grow and care for Tulips, as they do not need any watering schedule, just need to be fed with fertilisers every now and then. No matter if you are a pro or a beginner, you can easily grow and care for Tulips in your garden without any issues. The tulip bulb has a place in the garden with many annuals, perennials and other spring bulbs. Fresh tulips make exquisite cut flowers in your home.
For Best Vase Life
To pick a bunch of fresh tulip flowers for a vase inside, from your flower garden, snip the stems down low. The tricks from the florist trade is strip the bottom leaves, tie the stems together top and bottom and mid way section, soak the stems fully submerged into water for at least 8 hours before use. This keeps the stems nice and straight before your selected floral art activity.
How to Plant Tulip Bulbs?
It is ideal to plant the Tulip bulbs after May in Australia when colder weather has set in. If you are living in a warmer climate and you bought the bulbs a bit earlier, when they were first available, then you can store them in your refrigerator for up to 2 months beforehand, to imitate the cold climate that these bulbs need to germinate.
Tulips are well behaved bulbs and are just as popular grown in pots. Follow the same low maintenance system, if desired you can plant Tulips in any reasonably deep planting vessel.
- Choose an area that receives the sun for the most part of the day, but it also gets some shade every day.
- The Tulips will grow well in well draining loam soil crumbs, that have equal parts of sand, silt and clay particles a pH of 6 to 6.5.
- The Tulip bulbs need to be planted in the soil at a depth that is at least three times the size of the bulb. The soil has to be loosened when it is placed in the soil.
- Each bulb must be placed at least 6 inches apart so that it can grow sufficiently.
- The bulb must be planted in such a way that the pointed end is looking up. The hole that you make must be filled with the soil after you have planted the bulb. Press the soil to hold the bulb firmly.
- Covering the bulbs with pine bark wood chips, mulch and chopped leaves after planting will deter rodent pests. This is a good option if you have rodents such as mice, rats and wild cats scavenging around and in your garden. It is a sure bet that compost covering the ground will also control the weeds and give your soil a major source of nutrient value, retain moisture in the soil in dry periods, for good growth.
How to Care For Tulips?
- It is important to water the Tulips after you have planted them in the soil. This will encourage growth.
- Do not water the bulbs again till you see the leaves. Now you just need to lightly sprinkle water.
- Tulips need watering only if it has gone through a dry spell.
- Tulips will not grow if, it is kept in areas, where there is standing water.
- Fertilising the Tulip plants at the beginning of autumn and in the beginning of the spring is preferred. This will ensure first rate plant growth. Using a liquid fertiliser on the plant after three to four weeks of planting, will help tremendously in its growth and flowering.
- If you spot brown specks on the Tulip leaves and if its flower goes grey, then you should dig the plant out and throw it away, so that the Tulip Fire disease does not spread to the other Tulips.
Storing Tulips A cool dry place is needed to store Tulip bulbs. Before storing them powder them will sulphur. Storing them in paper bags or in an old egg carton is also a very good idea or instead pack the bulbs in newspaper in a cardboard box until planting time again the following winter. Do not store the bulbs in a refrigerator long term they will rot.
Once the Tulip stop flowering, check for curled lifeless passed blooms, it is better to cut these flower heads off. Tulips can produce seeds once the plant wilts and have fallen off. Invented seeds can weaken Tulip bulbs, its better to deadhead the flower. This will also help immensely to keep the flower patch clean and tidy.