Acanthus Mollis Oyster Plant
Acanthus Mollis Oyster Plant
Acanthus mollis, often know as either Bears Breeches or Oyster Plant is a plant that has a rich and interesting history. The plant has helped to influence famous Greek architecture and can be found chiselled into the Corinthian pillars in Athens. It has also been used in European monasteries for medical purposes. Additionally, Acanthus mollis has become a symbol of sorts that stands for immortality. This symbolism can be seen on many graveyards where the plant’s image is carved into headstones. This historic plant is also great to grow in gardens and to cultivate for personal enjoyment. The plant requires some patience, but yields beautiful flowers and can liven up any location.
Potential Acanthus mollis growers should be aware of the plant’s needs before they begin cultivating it. Acanthus mollis can grow in most environments and has a rich history in Europe, North America, and Australia. Seeds should be planted in late summer or early spring, depending on the hemisphere. The seeds require warm weather to sprout but do not do well in extreme heat. Planting them in a time when it is not excessively hot is key to their germination. After planting it usually takes anywhere between 10 to 20 days for the plants to sprout.
After they germinate, Acanthus mollis plants still require some additional care. While the plants can survive in deep shade, they will not produce any flowers. As such, it is important to plant them in a sunny area. Additionally, gardeners will want to make sure that they are in a nutrient rich area with good drainage. This allows them to get all of the sustenance that they require. It is also important to protect the plant against any leaf eating insects that might destroy it. Also, gardeners should be aware that it takes two years before the Acanthus mollis can begin to produce flowers.
When the Acanthus mollis finally flowers, it is an impressive sight to behold. it is very vibrant and can easily become the main attraction in any garden. Additionally, the plant becomes much easier to maintain once it has established itself. Growers will also be pleased to learn that the Acanthus mollis is drought resistant, making it great for gardening enthusiasts in dry climates like Australia. The plant is also eye catching enough that it can hold its own and do well without any supporting vegetation. This means that even in dry years the Potential Acanthus can still flourish and liven up a garden.
The Potential Acanthus is an impressive plant that is accompanied by a rich historical background. While the plant initially takes some care and input from it’s grower, especially during the planting and early cultivation phases, it is impressive once it blossoms. In addition to its beauty, the Potential Acanthus is also relatively low maintenance after it develops fully. The vibrant nature of this plant, combined with its wealth of historic value and durability, make the Potential Acanthus a fantastic item to cultivate and grow in any garden.